Parents are the first teacher of every child. When parents are involved in the child’s education, the children feel good about going to school. According to studies, family’s atmosphere plays a significant role in child’s performance more than how much does the family earn and how much are the parents educated. There are different ways that parents can enhance their children’s learning at home. Teach your children the good education and the best part is don’t take it much as competition, take it as a knowledge, ignore the bad things and accept the good stuff.

  • Be In Touch With Teachers.

Find a way to meet your child’s teacher as soon as the academic year starts. Let the teacher know that you are concerned about your child and want to be familiar with every aspect of teaching. Convey to contact you in the case of any problem with the child.

  • Make sure your child does his/her homework Done on Proper Time

Let your child know the importance of education and help them with their homework and assignments every day. You can sit aside your child and fix a regular time for homework keeping away all the distractions that involve phone calls and television during work hours. You can also give better ideas and manner of solving maths problems and other subjects. Do not feel that since you are not educated and cannot help in explaining the subject. Show interest by providing necessary materials, ask the child for daily assignment and praise your child’s effort. Do not help by doing the child’s homework.

  • Show a positive attitude of education

What we say and do helps them to develop a positive attitude towards learning and school and build confidence in themselves. Conveying the child about the values of education delivers reliable models and highly contributes to their activities in school. Moreover, by taking interest in child’s education, parents can spark enthusiasm and lead them to understand that learning can be rewarding and enjoyable and worth every effort.

  • Encourage your child to study

Help your child to be a good reader as it is the most important role that you can play to help your child to succeed in the long run. Reading habit makes them engaging and away from every distraction and filthy thoughts. You can get Math formulas and NCERT solution at BYJU’s.

  • Be interactive with your child

Talking and sharing ideas with the child plays a major role in child’s attitude. It’s through hearing family members and responding to their conversation that young children pick up the language skills. Children who are not encouraged to talk often face problems in learning that can lead to problems later. Also, children who haven’t been in interactive atmosphere face difficulties in following and understanding attention in class.


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